Shortcuts for editors
Posted on 08/10/2018, in Information Technology.This post is only for editors, please read other posts.
tocIn this post
Front Matter
There are some already-defined components on NoteTheme that you could use (If you don’t want to use something, remember to REMOVE it)
maths: 1
add this if you wanna use mathematical expression in the post.toc: 1
if you wanna display table of contents on the left sidebarcomment: 1
if you wanna use disqus comment system for this postdatacamp: 1
if you wanna use datacamp lightcategories: [notetheme,jekyll]
add category you wanttags: [notetheme,jekyll,code]
add tag you wantdate: 2018-08-21
if you update the post, write the updated datesnippet: 1
if you want to pin this post to the Snippets section.bigimg
: background photo of the post (showing on shared post on facebook)
- New badge:
<new />
- Update bagge:
<update />
- Keyboard:
Insert liquid code
- If you wanna add tag
{% this %}
, use{{"{% this "}}%}
. - If you like this
{{ this }}
, use{{"{{ this "}}}}
. - The rule: use
before the key-word and end with"}}
before the end of key-word. -
An easier way: use
{% raw %}
and{% endraw %}
around the key-word. These two commands are also used for a block of codes,~~~ {% raw %}{% for %} // line of codes {% end for %}{% endraw %} ~~~
Tips: For a beautiful display, put
{% raw %}
and{% endraw %}
exactly like the above code.
Figures / Tables / Videos
Normal way
{:.w-500 .no-border}
Inline figures
{% include img-inline.html content="/link/to/figure/" %}
Youtube video
{% include youtube.html content="wIsK4kQTrIg" size="5" %}
<ul class="collapsible" data-collapsible="accordion">
<div class="collapsible-header" markdown="1"><i class="material-icons">face</i>
<div class="collapsible-body" markdown="1">
<p markdown="1" class="thi-tip"> <i class="material-icons mat-icon">info</i> content </p>
<p markdown="1" class="thi-warning"> <i class="material-icons mat-icon">error</i> content </p>
Pull quotes
<p class="post-more-info" markdown="1">
The content of extra info of the post.
Summarization box
<fieldset class="field-set" markdown="1">
<legend class="leg-title">Title</legend>
Theorem style
<div class="thi-box" markdown="1">
<div class="box-title" markdown="1">
<div class="box-content" markdown="1">
Important boxes
<div class="p-mark" markdown="1">
Add toc
{% include toc.html %}
Columns for lists
<div class="thi-columns" markdown="1">
- item 1
- item 2
- item 3
- item 4
- item 5
- item 6
Side by side
<div class="row d-flex" markdown="1">
<div class="col s12 l6" markdown="1">
This is the code
<div class="col s12 l6" markdown="1">
This is the result
See again
<div class="see-again">
<i class="material-icons">settings_backup_restore</i>
<span markdown="1">
Read-more link
{% include more.html content="[Welcome to Math2IT](" %}
{% include download.html content="[Download text](download link)." %}
<div class="thi-step">
<div class="step">
<div class="step-number"></div>
<div class="step-content" markdown="1">
Content in step 1.
<div class="step">
<div class="step-number"></div>
<div class="step-content" markdown="1">
Content in step 2