
Title Enable disable PIM conditional access
Description Enable disable PIM conditional access
Script ModifiedDate 2022-05-10T21:41:23.703 CreatedDate 2022-05-10T21:41:23.703
RatingsCount N/A AverageRating 0
ProjectName Enable disable PIM conditional access ProjectID 100
GitHub Path
GitHub View Set-PIMConditionalAccess.ps1
TagList Azureadpreview,PIM,ConditionalAccess

Title Activate PIM Role assignments
Description Activate PIM Role assignments
Script ModifiedDate 2022-05-10T21:41:23.703 CreatedDate 2022-05-10T21:41:23.703
RatingsCount N/A AverageRating 0
ProjectName Activate PIM Role assignments ProjectID 100
GitHub Path
GitHub View Start-PIMRoleAssignment.ps1
TagList Azureadpreview,PIM

Title Update PIM Role assignments
Description Update PIM Role assignments
Script ModifiedDate 2022-05-10T21:41:23.703 CreatedDate 2022-05-10T21:41:23.703
RatingsCount N/A AverageRating 0
ProjectName Update PIM Role assignments ProjectID 100
GitHub Path
GitHub View Update-PIMRoleAssignment.ps1
TagList Azureadpreview,PIM

Title Report on PIM conditional access setting for a role
Description Report on PIM conditional access setting for a role
Script ModifiedDate 2022-05-10T21:41:23.703 CreatedDate 2022-05-10T21:41:23.703
RatingsCount N/A AverageRating 0
ProjectName Report on PIM conditional access setting for a role ProjectID 100
GitHub Path
GitHub View Get-PIMConditionalAccess.ps1
TagList Azureadpreview,PIM,ConditionalAccess

Title Log on to AzureAdPreview with AZ token for PIM
Description Log on to AzureAdPreview with AZ token for PIM
Script ModifiedDate 2022-05-10T21:41:23.703 CreatedDate 2022-05-10T21:41:23.703
RatingsCount N/A AverageRating 0
ProjectName Log on to AzureAdPreview with AZ token for PIM ProjectID 100
GitHub Path
GitHub View azlad.ps1
TagList Azureadpreview,PIM

Title Edit advanced functions (cmdlets) or script from within a Module to run in ISE
Description If you write your own scripts and save them as a module, this function easily opens the cmdlet/function for quick editing. Not having to search the file system to open scripts means that you can more efficiently update and manage modifications to your code. Will run in the ISE...
Script ModifiedDate 2021-11-27T14:59:10.707 CreatedDate 2012-05-02T08:13:45.81
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Edit-advanced-functions (Updated 2021/04) ProjectID 16685
GitHub Path
GitHub View [57064] Edit-Cmdlet.ps1
TagList PowerShell ISE,scripting,Editing advanced functions,psedit,Update scripts,cmdlets,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Start BicepDownloadArtifacts, GetBicep
Description Download Build Artifacts from GitHub, used for Bicep artifacts
Script ModifiedDate 2021-11-21T21:41:23.703 CreatedDate 2021-11-21T21:41:23.703
RatingsCount N/A AverageRating 0
ProjectName Start BicepDownloadArtifacts, GetBicep, latest or prerelease versions ProjectID 100
GitHub Path
GitHub View Start-BicepDownloadArtifacts.ps1
TagList Azure,Bicep,GitHub,Artifacts,GH

Title Sync (Component Build) Files to Azure File Share (updated Feb 2021)
Description This script does the following:1) Connects to an Azure Storage Account, using a Service Principal or User account that is currently logged in2) Using a local Directory it will look at that directory, then will check the Files and Directories in a specified component build directory to the Blob Container
Script ModifiedDate 2021-04-03T21:59:15.85 CreatedDate 2021-04-03T21:59:15.85
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Sync-Build-Files-to-Azure-BLOB ProjectID 100
GitHub Path
GitHub View Sync-AzureBlobBuildComponent.ps1
TagList azure storage,Azure Blob Container,Sync Files,Sync Build Files,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Use Install-Module to easily Install and Uninstall Modules without fuss in PowerShell or WindowsPowerShell
Description Consolidate your Modules in a single directory
Script ModifiedDate 2021-03-11T21:41:23.703 CreatedDate 2021-03-11T21:41:23.703
RatingsCount N/A AverageRating 0
ProjectName Install-Module override to ALWAYS store modules in Program Files\WindowsPowerShell ProjectID 100
GitHub Path
GitHub View Install-Module.ps1
TagList PowerShellGet,Install-Module,PackageManagement

Title Sync (Component Build) Files to Azure File Share (updated Feb 2021)
Description This script does the following:1) Connects to an Azure Storage Account, using a Service Principal or User account that is currently logged in2) Using a local Directory it will look at that directory, then will check the Files and Directories in a specified component build directo
Script ModifiedDate 2021-02-16T21:59:15.85 CreatedDate 2019-03-16T22:14:10.707
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Sync-Build-Files-to-Azure-Files ProjectID 480113
GitHub Path
GitHub View [224281] Sync-AzureFileShareBuildComponent.ps1
TagList azure storage,Azure File Share,Sync Files,Sync Build Files,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Trigger Azure Policy Evaluation in PowerShell
Description Trigger Azure Policy Evaluation in PowerShell Policy States - Trigger Subscription Evaluation (Azure Policy Insights) Triggers a policy evaluation scan for all the reso
Script ModifiedDate 2020-03-16T02:53:17.47 CreatedDate 2020-03-10T20:51:28.88
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Trigger-Azure-Policy-c31b2b08 ProjectID 481809
GitHub Path
GitHub View [226537] Start-AzurePolicyEvaluation.ps1
TagList Azure Policy,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Setup Azure DevOps Agent Pools and Agent on Windows Server
Description This is sample code modified from DSC configuration to use used as a imperative script.There are samples of:1) Authenticating to Azure DevOps from PowerShell with a PAT token2) Calling the api to test if the pool exists.3) Creating the pool if it doesn't exist.4) Downloading the
Script ModifiedDate 2020-03-14T20:06:42.587 CreatedDate 2020-03-14T05:29:49.96
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Setup-Azure-DevOps-Agent-dfa6f49a ProjectID 481820
GitHub Path
GitHub View [226535] setDevOpsAgentPool.ps1
TagList AzureDevOps,Agent Pool,DevOps Agent,DeploymentGroups,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Sample of using REST to connect to Azure storage Blob with user assigned MSI
Description User User Assigned Managed Service Identity (MSI) for Azure Blob..
Script ModifiedDate 2020-02-09T00:40:19.263 CreatedDate 2020-02-08T19:04:47.04
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Sample-of-using-REST-to-e327b094 ProjectID 481736
GitHub Path
GitHub View [226208] bearer_token_access_blob_using_MSI.ps1
TagList Azure Blob Storage,REST API,Azure MSI,Managed Service Identity,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Discover your WAN IP Address from BING
Description This script uses BING to determine your WAN IP Address * I recently updated the link to use https, however https works as well.BING also has some API's however by just doing a standard web search there are no prerequisite keys  required and also no limit on the queries that you c
Script ModifiedDate 2019-11-26T20:34:00.53 CreatedDate 2014-08-01T18:49:43.89
RatingsCount 1 AverageRating 5.0
ProjectName Discover-your-WAN-IP-2d7b70e1 ProjectID 30172
GitHub Path
GitHub View [148961] Get-WANIPAddress.ps1
TagList Public IP Address,Wide Area Network IP Address,WAN IP,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Sync Azure Keyvault Secrets and Certificates between vaults
Description If you have a keyvault in your primary region and a secondary region, you may have a reason to sync up Keyvaults.Possibly you need to sync a keyault from a primary Vault to a secondary Vault for Dev or Testing.This script synchronizes secrets/keys based on the last modified time.
Script ModifiedDate 2019-10-07T23:14:27.297 CreatedDate 2019-10-07T23:14:26.843
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Sync-Azure-Keyvault-f6efc502 ProjectID 481417
GitHub Path
GitHub View [225194] Start-AzureKVSync.ps1
TagList Azure Keyvault,keyvault,Azure Key Vault,Key Vault,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Parallel Delete Azure RM Virtual Machine-NIC-Disks (Updated Sept 2019)
Description Parallel Delete Virtual Machines in Azure This script will delete an Azure Resource manager Virtual Machine. It will also delete the associated Network Interface Card (NIC). It will also remote both STANDARD and MANAGED Disks. Including both the OS Disk and the DATA Disks
Script ModifiedDate 2019-09-19T22:00:16.773 CreatedDate 2017-11-24T08:29:05.623
RatingsCount 1 AverageRating 5.0
ProjectName Parallel-Delete-Azure-RM-84dadec9 ProjectID 323473
GitHub Path
GitHub View [224890] Remove-AzureRMVMInstanceParallel.ps1
TagList VM,Virtual Machine,Parallel,Azure Resource Manager,Azure Virtual Machines,Azure Managed Disks,Delete VM,Delete NIC,Delete Disks,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Easily swap between your Azure subscriptions (updated 2019 Sept)
Description Do you manage more than a single Azure subscription and want an easy way to swap between them ?This function is short and easy to use for anyone.Step 1# install the azure module (one time) install-module az -force # run this one time Enable-AzContextAutosavelogin-azaccount  # run
Script ModifiedDate 2019-09-19T21:09:40.94 CreatedDate 2019-02-21T00:36:20.95
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Easily-swap-between-your-8d59f794 ProjectID 479905
GitHub Path
GitHub View [224889] azl.ps1
TagList Azure,Subscriptions,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Delete Azure RM Virtual Machine-NIC-Disks (Updated June 2019)
Description This script will delete an Azure Resource manager Virtual Machine. It will also delete the associated Network Interface Card (NIC). It will also remote both STANDARD and MANAGED Disks. Including both the OS Disk and the DATA Disks.
Script ModifiedDate 2019-06-20T17:13:00.513 CreatedDate 2017-08-29T16:55:31.833
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Delete-Azure-RM-Virtual-fc09d944 ProjectID 321273
GitHub Path
GitHub View [222483] Remove-AzureRMVMInstanceResource.ps1
TagList VM,Virtual Machine,Azure Virtual Machines,Azure Managed Disks,Delete VM,Delete NIC,Delete Disks,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Azure Subscription and RG Deployment Function AzDeploy
Description This script does Resource Group or Subscription deployments. Enable-AzureRmAlias <# .Synopsis Deploy ARM Templates in a custom way, to streamline deployments .DESCRIPTION This is a customization of the deployment scripts available on the Quickstart or within Visua
Script ModifiedDate 2019-05-24T23:43:06.393 CreatedDate 2019-05-24T22:55:18.95
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Azure-Subscription-and-RG-e11378f8 ProjectID 480650
GitHub Path
GitHub View [222074] Start-AzDeploy.ps1
TagList ARM,Resource Group Deployments,Azure Template Deployments,Subscription Deployments,New-AzResourceGroupDeployment,New-AzDeployment,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Azure Resource Group Deployment Function ARMDeploy (updated June 2018)
Description Deploy ARM Templates in a custom way, to streamline deployments This is a customization of the deployment scripts available on the Quickstart or within Visual Studio Resource group Deployment Solution. ARMDeploy -DP D1 Only files that have been modified are re-uploaded
Script ModifiedDate 2019-05-24T22:56:03.72 CreatedDate 2018-04-18T22:34:11.263
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Azure-Resource-Group-6ee2c700 ProjectID 415437
GitHub Path
GitHub View [201947] Start-AzureRMDeploy.ps1
TagList ARM,Resource Group Deployments,New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment,Azure Template Deployments,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Correct permissions on Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys for Cluster Join
Description See documentation and information below:  If you cannot join a secondary node to a Cluster, a common reason is the permissions on the MachineKeys directory used for RSA.You can use this script to correct the permissions- This uses the NTFSSecurity Module to apply the settings.
Script ModifiedDate 2018-11-02T17:00:33.51 CreatedDate 2017-06-08T10:25:56.22
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Correct-permissions-on-2fa46daa ProjectID 319780
GitHub Path
GitHub View [179158] Set-MachineKeysClusterJoin.ps1
TagList Clusters,Crypto,failover clustering,RSA,MachineKeys,SQL Always On,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title A script to monitor servers, Ping Test, with email notification
Description The Script runs against a list of Servers and notifies the user if the servers are down.
Script ModifiedDate 2018-10-12T21:41:23.703 CreatedDate 2010-08-02T19:48:26.677
RatingsCount 21 AverageRating 4.19
ProjectName d0670079-6158-4dc5-a9da-b261c70e4b7d ProjectID 9339
GitHub Path
GitHub View [215904] Start-MonitorOnline.ps1
TagList Notification,Monitoring,Ping Test,Test-Online,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Test if a domain user Credential / Password is correct
Description This is a script to test if a Password is correct.Often this is useful for service accounts or if you are just not sure if you are typing in your password correctly.Why can't I log in? At least confirm it's not related to having a bad password.The script will return True if the p
Script ModifiedDate 2018-09-06T14:39:54.783 CreatedDate 2017-07-07T10:53:41.703
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Test-if-a-domain-user-67e84796 ProjectID 320217
GitHub Path
GitHub View [175377] Test-UserCredential.ps1
TagList Credential,password,PrincipalContext,AccountManagement,DirectoryServices.AccountManagement,AccountManagement.PrincipalContext,ValidateCredentials,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Stop Azure Resource Group Deployment Function
Description This script stops an RG deployment . .  It is the stop script that goes along with this:  Stop-AzureRMDeploy -DP D1 This will provide an out-gridview pop up to select the deployments that you wan
Script ModifiedDate 2018-06-24T13:21:21.687 CreatedDate 2018-06-24T13:20:21.937
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Stop-Azure-Resource-Group-867ad678 ProjectID 418642
GitHub Path
GitHub View [201948] Stop-AzureRMDeploy.ps1
TagList ARM,Resource Group Deployments,Azure Template Deployments,Stop-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title DSC Resource Module to create Storage Pools (Updated May 2018)
Description This is a DSC Resource Module to Create Storage Pools in Azure.This module can create Virtual Disks, Volumes/MountPoints and Storage Pools, however it does not remove or update configurations.I.e. it is useful for provisioning, however will not enable you to change configurations
Script ModifiedDate 2018-05-29T13:59:51.28 CreatedDate 2018-03-09T12:31:39.19
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName DSC-Resource-Module-to-7bacebdb ProjectID 370344
GitHub Path
GitHub View
TagList Volume,Azure Virtual Machines,Storage Pools,Virtual Disk,Community,PowerShell,PSModule

Title Export Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Assignments
Description This script allows you to export the current Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Permissions.It will loop through all subscriptions that you have access to and export the permissions.It will create an individual CSV file on the desktop per subscription.T
Script ModifiedDate 2018-05-07T16:25:03.76 CreatedDate 2018-01-30T10:10:26.403
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Export-Azure-Resource-092b9c2a ProjectID 351467
GitHub Path
GitHub View [199430] Export-AzureRMRoleAssignment.ps1
TagList Azure,RBAC,Owner,Subscription,Azure Resource Manager,RoleAssignment,Contributor,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Parallel Delete Azure RM Virtual Machine Extensions (updated April 2018)
Description Parallel Delete Virtual Machines Extensions.Extensions are used widely in Azure for things such as:- Antimalware- DependencyAgent- Script Extension- DSC Extension- OMS / Monitoring Extension- VM Diagnostics Extension- Backup ExtensionIf there is an error on the extension or you n
Script ModifiedDate 2018-04-07T15:13:04.427 CreatedDate 2017-12-12T09:29:19.743
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Parallel-Delete-Azure-RM-11f76767 ProjectID 323903
GitHub Path
GitHub View [197884] Remove-AzureRMVMExtensionParallel.ps1
TagList VM Extension,Azure VM Extensions,Script Extension,DSC Extension,Remove-AzureRmVMExtension,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Trace the AzureRM Virtual Machine DSC Extension remotely
Description This function is useful to trace the Azure DSC extension, especially in push mode.# Show all statuses, including Meta PushesTrace-AzureRMDSCExtension -ResourceGroup AZE2-ADF-RG-D06 -VMName AZE2-ADF-D6-vmAD02  -StatusView 3# Just show the DSC for the main configurationTrace-AzureR
Script ModifiedDate 2018-04-07T14:05:24.67 CreatedDate 2018-04-01T23:34:14.117
RatingsCount 2 AverageRating 4.5
ProjectName Trace-the-AzureRM-Virtual-3d7ff949 ProjectID 413183
GitHub Path
GitHub View [197881] Trace-AzureRMDSCExtension.ps1
TagList Virtual Machines,DSC,Desired State Configuration,DSC Extension Azure,Community,PowerShell,Bash/shell,PSScript

Title Azure EA Billing Summary by Resource Group
Description Azure EA Billing Summary by Resource GroupNB: this is suitable for Enterprise customers onlyThe Script provides a way to select a Billing Period from your Azure EA Subscriptions.The Billing Period Defaults to a one month period.You can then query the Azure EA Billing API for the
Script ModifiedDate 2018-02-22T12:22:00.097 CreatedDate 2018-02-13T21:10:10.67
RatingsCount 1 AverageRating 4.0
ProjectName Azure-EA-Billing-Summary-345622f3 ProjectID 359316
GitHub Path
GitHub View [189607] Get-AzureBillingMonthlySummary.ps1
TagList Azure billing,Billing Per Resource Group,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Find the latest Azure RM API Version for a resource provider type
Description When working with the Azure Resource Manager API, it is useful to know the API versions.Often if you want to implement a new feature, you need to know the API version to call.Resource Group Templates are one particular place where you will often use the API Version referencee.g. 
Script ModifiedDate 2018-01-19T21:03:27.17 CreatedDate 2018-01-19T20:36:39.43
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Find-the-latest-Azure-RM-e1deeb39 ProjectID 329189
GitHub Path
GitHub View [186294] Find-AzureRMAPIVersion.ps1
TagList Azure Resource Manager,API version,Community,JavaScript,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Find Azure RM VMImage Publishers, Offers and Skus.
Description When you deploy a Virtual Machine Image, you need to know the Size of the Virtual Machine, this script can help to get the Sizes in your region: also need to know the following informati
Script ModifiedDate 2018-01-19T17:22:43.627 CreatedDate 2018-01-19T17:07:58.873
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Find-Azure-RM-VMImage-1e07901a ProjectID 329178
GitHub Path
GitHub View [186283] Find-AzureRMPublisherImageOffer.ps1
TagList Azure Virtual Machines,Offer,Skus,Publishers,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Find Azure RM Virtual Machine Sizes in your region/location
Description This function offers an easy way to view VM Sizes.This is helpful to filter based on the number of Cores that you are looking for.Keep in mind that certain VM types are specified here based on the type of workload you have:
Script ModifiedDate 2018-01-19T16:17:54.59 CreatedDate 2018-01-19T16:17:53.933
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Find-Azure-RM-Virtual-8ee175d5 ProjectID 329156
GitHub Path
GitHub View [186282] Find-AzureRMVMSize.ps1
TagList Azure Virtual Machine Sizes,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Update-Sysinternals - Download Sysinternals tools (Updated Sept 2017)
Description This script downloads the SysInternals Suite.It is based on downloading the whole suite of tools in the zip package.I recommend to check for updates regularly.* I updated this script to use Invoke-WebRequest and Expand-Archive. (it used to map a psdrive and use 7Zip).
Script ModifiedDate 2017-09-12T15:01:59.197 CreatedDate 2011-08-27T12:09:46.41
RatingsCount 10 AverageRating 4.5
ProjectName Update-Sysinternals-8386bed2 ProjectID 12917
GitHub Path
GitHub View [179291] Update-Sysinternals.ps1
TagList sysinternals,procmon,procexp,download sysinternals,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Deploy a new Virtual Machine (VM) in Azure (Resource Manager) (updated 08/2017)
Description Simple and Easy way to deploy Azure VM's using Resource Manager APIScript has now been updated to include Managed Disks   This is a demo script for deploying Azure Virtual Machines using the Resource Manager (RM) API.There are other ways (Link below to AzureRM template deploymen
Script ModifiedDate 2017-08-30T10:00:35.697 CreatedDate 2016-02-09T11:09:23.853
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Deploy-a-new-Virtual-75cd3230 ProjectID 311874
GitHub Path
GitHub View [178627] New-VMBuildAzureRM2.ps1
TagList VM,IaaS,Virtual Machines,Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines,Azure IaaS,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Build an RDCMan (Remote Desktop Connection Manager) from Azure ResourceGroup VMs
Description This is an update on the earlier version of this script.This will find all VM's in Azure in a particular Resource Group that have Public IP's and add them to an RDCMan file.This groups the VM's based on the availability set they are in.Usage:Add-RDCManConfigAzure -ResourceGroupNa
Script ModifiedDate 2017-03-29T14:42:28.817 CreatedDate 2017-03-29T13:21:37.5
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Build-an-RDCMan-Remote-406ad27d ProjectID 318777
GitHub Path
GitHub View [171613] Add-RDCManConfigAzure.ps1
TagList Azure,RDCMan,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Build an RDCMan (Remote Desktop Connection Manager) Config File Version 2.0
Description This script will import computernames into an RDCMan (Remote Desktop Connection Manager) template file. You can also create new groups and specify the groups to add the computers to.
Script ModifiedDate 2017-03-29T14:41:41.55 CreatedDate 2011-05-21T16:29:27.747
RatingsCount 5 AverageRating 4.2
ProjectName f6550a1d-6ca7-4cc4-b066-a0ea5761866d ProjectID 12495
GitHub Path
GitHub View [75221] Add-RDCManConfigv2.ps1
TagList XML,Import,RDC config,RDCMan,Remote Desktop Client,Remote Desktop Connection Manager,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Build an RDCMan (Remote Desktop Connection Manager) Config File
Description This script will import computernames into an RDCMan (Remote Desktop Connection Manager) template file.
Script ModifiedDate 2017-03-29T14:41:13.11 CreatedDate 2011-05-13T21:29:23.653
RatingsCount 4 AverageRating 3.25
ProjectName 49207d61-721d-4522-879b-2634d2d02cc6 ProjectID 12465
GitHub Path
GitHub View [75222] Add-RDCManConfig.ps1
TagList XML,Import,RDC config,RDCMan,Remote Desktop Client,Remote Desktop Connection Manager,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Get-WSMANSession list WSMAN session (updated 2017/03)
Description List out the WSMAN sessions on a local or remote machine. This script write a file to temp in order to setup the format file for the output format. * Updated to work against PowerShell v2.0
Script ModifiedDate 2017-03-22T09:45:56.31 CreatedDate 2016-10-07T12:07:00.773
RatingsCount 1 AverageRating 5.0
ProjectName Get-WSMANSession-list-6f447d56 ProjectID 314966
GitHub Path
GitHub View [171281] Get-WSMANSession.ps1
TagList WSMan,PowerShell Remoting,pssessions,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Update Azure Site 2 Site VPN Remote IP Address
Description Update Azure Site 2 Site VPN Remote IP AddressThis Script will Download the current Virtual Network Configuration from Azure.(You must first have connected to your Azure Subscription).Then it will look up your current Gateway IP Address and detect if there has been any change com
Script ModifiedDate 2017-02-27T08:42:14.697 CreatedDate 2014-08-23T20:20:40.857
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Update-Azure-2-VPN-Remote-765c12f2 ProjectID 30523
GitHub Path
GitHub View [124425] Update-AzureS2SVPNEndpoint.ps1
TagList Azure,Microsoft Azure,azure s2s,Site to Site VPN,Virtual Network,Azure Service Manager,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Query the Local Security Rights
Description This script queries the local security rights using PowerShell. *Privilege names are **case-sensitive**.* Valid privileges are documented on Microsoft's website: [Privilege Constants]        ( ) [Account R
Script ModifiedDate 2016-10-17T19:41:56.49 CreatedDate 2016-10-17T14:51:16.297
RatingsCount 2 AverageRating 5.0
ProjectName Query-the-Local-Security-357c5b65 ProjectID 316072
GitHub Path
GitHub View [162158] Get-LocalRight.ps1
TagList LocalRights,Privilege Constants,Account Rights Constants,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Find the logged on users on a remote system/s version 2
Description This script should be useful for Helpdesk or other IT Admins to query remote machines to see who is logged on This script will let you know who is running any Explorer.exe process on local/remote systems This could also be useful for Remote Desktop Services or Ctx Admins
Script ModifiedDate 2016-06-10T14:21:58.14 CreatedDate 2013-02-05T10:56:03.23
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Find-the-logged-on-users-1161bd92 ProjectID 20698
GitHub Path
GitHub View [75584] Get-LoggedOnUser.ps1
TagList Current User,explorer,User sessions,Logged on User,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title This script gets the members of Local Security Groups (Updated Feb 2013)
Description I default this script to get local admins, since I use this for server builds and mainly add other groups to that group so they can administer the server, this script works with the Set-LocalGroups script I have uploaded.
Script ModifiedDate 2016-05-27T08:18:02.983 CreatedDate 2011-02-07T17:51:39.553
RatingsCount 2 AverageRating 5.0
ProjectName ed4a0cb7-603c-488d-afeb-194b7a60f42f ProjectID 12125
GitHub Path
GitHub View [75998] Get-LocalGroup.ps1
TagList Group Membership,Local Security,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Start RDP (MSTSC) in a scaled window (Updated March 2016)
Description Start-RDP Creates a scaled RDP window in the exact dimension as the PowerShell window.I nearly always use this when my PowerShell window is full size, you may prefer to runs this from the ISE, since that is easier to scale.Notice how the windows below both match.N.B. credit goes
Script ModifiedDate 2016-04-12T09:45:49.763 CreatedDate 2014-08-05T16:22:28.783
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Start-RDP-MSTSC-in-a-74367a0d ProjectID 30219
GitHub Path
GitHub View [149472] Start-Rdp.ps1
TagList RDP,mstsc,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Retrieve the LastUseTime of the user profiles on system/s
Description This script will retrieve the LastUseTime of the user profile.This information can be useful to determine logon statistics and general use patterns on systems.The information is collected via WMI ( Win32_UserProfile ) and this class only works on Vista Sp1 and Server 2008 and lat
Script ModifiedDate 2016-03-09T11:04:57.64 CreatedDate 2013-01-08T09:21:32.133
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Retrieve-the-LastUseTime-dbd2999b ProjectID 20334
GitHub Path
GitHub View [74311] Get-UserLastLogin.ps1
TagList lastLogon,Win32_UserProfile,User Profile Information,Community,PSScript

Title Update Azure S2S vpn secret RRAS
Description This script will find the Site to Site VPN secret and then update it in RRAS.If you subscription expires or you use up too much credit then you need to recreate the Gateway and VPN, so you also need to update the secret.This script might also be useful along side the Update-Azure
Script ModifiedDate 2016-03-04T20:41:18.547 CreatedDate 2016-03-04T20:40:37.277
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Update-Azure-S2S-vpn-7127f27b ProjectID 312232
GitHub Path
GitHub View [149253] Update-AzureS2SVPNSecret.ps1
TagList RRAS,azure virtual network,Site to Site VPN,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Keep Alive. Simulates a key press on the keyboard at a specfied interval
Description This function can be used to simulate a key press on the keyboard. It would be useful for two main purposes: 1) while you are giving a presentation from your computer. 2) while you are downloading something that is long running and you are in a secure location.
Script ModifiedDate 2016-02-29T15:22:23.073 CreatedDate 2012-10-01T08:11:59.103
RatingsCount 25 AverageRating 4.4
ProjectName Keep-Alive-Simulates-a-key-9b05f980 ProjectID 18927
GitHub Path
GitHub View [67438] Start-KeepAlive.ps1
TagList Keep Alive,KeepAlive,Homers Drinking Bird,Keyboard press,Key press,Automate keystroke,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Deploy or Rebuild Hyper-V Virtual Switches and Ethernet
Description I use this script to rebuild my Hyper-V Lab Network (vSwitches) after a rebuild or upgrade.Since I find that most of the time upgrading versions of Windows 10 it caused problems a significant amount of the time for Hyper-V Networks.I used to use RRAS for my lab setups, however no
Script ModifiedDate 2016-02-25T08:55:07.373 CreatedDate 2016-02-25T08:52:17.57
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Deploy-or-Rebuild-Hyper-V-78c73732 ProjectID 312107
GitHub Path
GitHub View [148938] Set-VMSwitchNetwork.ps1
TagList lab,Virtual Networks,NAT,RRAS,Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapters,Hyper-V v-Switch,NetNat,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Get a Formatted list from a To or CC field.
Description Do you ever need to get a list of names and emails from a list that someone sent you in the to or CC field.In Outlook they always have the similar format.This script strips out the unwanted parts and gives you a nice table to copy and paste and also just grab the email addresses.
Script ModifiedDate 2016-02-22T17:25:50.563 CreatedDate 2016-02-22T17:25:50.297
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Get-a-Formatted-list-from-b40e8272 ProjectID 312058
GitHub Path
GitHub View [148833] Get-EmailContact.ps1
TagList Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Create a new MDT Reservation in MDT Database
Description This New-MDTReservation script/function allows for zero or light touch deployments with MDT and MDT DatabaseYou will need to configure a few things in MDT first for this to work, however this is part of an Automated Build process.MDT allows you to set up the computername, the ass
Script ModifiedDate 2016-02-10T08:54:07.67 CreatedDate 2016-02-09T12:28:49.587
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Create-a-new-MDT-1db3e2c0 ProjectID 311876
GitHub Path
GitHub View [148354] New-MDTReservation.ps1
TagList Deployment,Operating System Deployment,MDT,MDT Database,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Create a new WDS reservation on the WDS server for PXE
Description This script is used during automated computer deployment.This works with WDS to allow a machine to boot from PXE.I upload the Boot image that is output from MDT to the WDS server to accomplish this task.This then allows for a Mac Address to be set on the WDS server so that it can
Script ModifiedDate 2016-02-10T08:53:25.56 CreatedDate 2016-02-09T12:53:49.38
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Create-a-new-WDS-6109944f ProjectID 311877
GitHub Path
GitHub View [148355] Set-WDSPXEReservation.ps1
TagList Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Deploy a new Virtual Machine (VM) in Hyper-V
Description This script deploys a new Virtual Machine into Hyper-V, with support for Virtual Machine manager.I have 3 Hyper-V hosts and I use MDT to deploy the Operating System along with PXE boot and WDS.I use custom powershell functions to setup the reservation in WDS, configure the machin
Script ModifiedDate 2016-02-09T13:07:55.963 CreatedDate 2016-02-09T10:52:46.78
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Deploy-a-new-Virtual-f42812ac ProjectID 311872
GitHub Path
GitHub View [148350] New-VMBuild.ps1
TagList Hyper-V,Deployment,Operating System Deployment,WDS,MDT,Virtual Machine Manager,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Deploy a new Virtual Machine (VM) in Azure (Service Manager)
Description This script uses the Azure Service Management API to deploy a Virtual Machine.This script presumes that you have the Azure module installed.This script presumes that you are connected to your subscription and have set your storage account.This script presumes that you have alread
Script ModifiedDate 2016-02-09T11:17:25.18 CreatedDate 2016-02-09T10:57:28.74
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Deploy-a-new-Virtual-8b524c26 ProjectID 311873
GitHub Path
GitHub View [148351] New-VMBuildAzure.ps1
TagList Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Find HBA and WWN Information on Windows using WMI (Updated June 2015)
Description Find the WWN Information in order to Map storage etc. I recommend combining this script with Send-HtmlEmail function. Send-HTMLEmail -InputObject (Get-HBAWin -ComputerName, -Subject "HBA Info"
Script ModifiedDate 2015-06-25T08:49:48.147 CreatedDate 2011-11-15T12:01:22.23
RatingsCount 27 AverageRating 4.78
ProjectName Find-HBA-and-WWPN-53121140 ProjectID 13956
GitHub Path
GitHub View [133699] Get-HBAWin.ps1
TagList WWN,HBA,MSFC_FCAdapterHBAAttributes,Storage Adapters,Fibre Channel,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Find the logged on users on a remote system/s
Description DescriptionThis script should be useful for Helpdesk or other IT Admins to query remote machines to see who is logged on.This could also be useful for Remote Desktop Services or Citrix Admins * Note this scripts also returns non system accounts that are running services. Use like
Script ModifiedDate 2014-11-14T13:15:07.023 CreatedDate 2011-05-04T09:43:35.18
RatingsCount 25 AverageRating 4.76
ProjectName d46b1f3b-36a4-4a56-951b-e37815a2df0c ProjectID 12439
GitHub Path
GitHub View [129685] Get-LoggedOnUser.ps1
TagList Current User,Logged on,User sessions,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Find the Bad Password Information on Individual Domain Controllers
Description Search all Domain Controllers for the Bad Password Times, this setting is not replicated between DC's.
Script ModifiedDate 2014-09-05T08:50:22.497 CreatedDate 2014-07-19T10:25:41.763
RatingsCount 1 AverageRating 1.0
ProjectName Find-the-Bad-Password-c207d807 ProjectID 29949
GitHub Path
GitHub View [120356] Get-BadPasswordInfo.ps1
TagList Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Check for crash dump files on computer (updated July 2014)
Description This script searches for crash dump files in the default locations. It also checks to see if an alternate locations has been configured for the crash dump, which is available in Server 2008+, where the crash dump can be configured for an alternate drive than the system.
Script ModifiedDate 2014-07-24T22:43:24.277 CreatedDate 2011-03-12T10:43:19.657
RatingsCount 2 AverageRating 5.0
ProjectName 6b9ec914-9647-4a52-b3d2-15b122bc6df7 ProjectID 12277
GitHub Path
GitHub View [120690] Get-CrashDumpFile.ps1
TagList minidump,Crash Dump Files,DedicatedCrashDump,DMP,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Server Reboot Monitor (Report Online/Offline Status) + Email (Updated Jul 2014)
Description Provide a list of hosts to monitor in a file, the script reads the file every cycle so you can change/edit the list of monitored servers without touching the script, that runs in a loop.
Script ModifiedDate 2014-07-22T11:42:46.043 CreatedDate 2011-01-14T13:49:56.417
RatingsCount 11 AverageRating 4.36
ProjectName 2d537e5c-b5d4-42ca-a23e-2cbce636f58d ProjectID 12089
GitHub Path
GitHub View [120512] Start-Monitor.ps1
TagList Monitoring,Ping Test,Server down,test-connection,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Determine Volume/Disk information - Size and Free Space (updated July 2014)
Description This script uses WMI to determine the volume information. I mainly uploaded i since some of my other scripts call this script for info.
Script ModifiedDate 2014-07-20T10:52:56.96 CreatedDate 2011-01-13T20:01:56.953
RatingsCount 5 AverageRating 4.8
ProjectName 74884d85-c0b5-446a-be04-3d411a6dce2f ProjectID 12080
GitHub Path
GitHub View [120400] Get-VolumeWin32.ps1
TagList WMI,disk space,disk usage,Volume Space,Win32_Volume,Volume,Get-VolumeWin32,Get-DiskSpace,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Leveraging Account Lockout tools, find source with PowerShell (updated Jul 2014)
Description Leveraging account Lockout tools with PowerShell, searching for lockout sources in an Active Directory domain. Automatically search the Domain Controllers Security Event logs for account lockout sources.
Script ModifiedDate 2014-07-19T20:14:00.807 CreatedDate 2011-02-15T19:54:15.893
RatingsCount 3 AverageRating 4.33
ProjectName 83f9132f-e508-4ee8-941f-45c2b602bfea ProjectID 12139
GitHub Path
GitHub View [120381] Get-AccountLockout.ps1
TagList Account Lockout,Bad Authentication,Bad Passwords,Lockout Source,User Accounts,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title List Domain Controllers in the Current Domain or Forest
Description This script uses [system.directoryservices.activedirectory.Forest] and [system.directoryservices.activedirectory.domain] to search the forest or domain to report domain controller names.The default is to return domain controllers from the current Domain.You can also specify a sea
Script ModifiedDate 2014-07-19T11:39:11.67 CreatedDate 2012-12-07T08:21:31.38
RatingsCount 6 AverageRating 4.67
ProjectName List-Domain-Controllers-in-2bec62a5 ProjectID 19872
GitHub Path
GitHub View [120359] Get-DomainController.ps1
TagList Active Directory,Domain Controller,forest,system.directoryservices.activedirectory.Forest,system.directoryservices.activedirectory.Domain,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Set Custom Permissions on AD Containers (updated May 2014)
Description * This script was updated in May 2014 to work against Organizational Units or Containers.i.e. this can now be used to change the permission on the default Computers Container.This script leverages the ActiveDirectory Module to setup Specific custom delegated Permissions on an Act
Script ModifiedDate 2014-05-04T17:03:26.95 CreatedDate 2013-03-24T18:51:16.367
RatingsCount 2 AverageRating 3.5
ProjectName Set-Custom-Permissions-on-69af151c ProjectID 21413
GitHub Path
GitHub View [113995] Set-CustomADOUPermissions.ps1
TagList Delegated OU Permissions,Create Computer Accounts,Remove Computer Accounts,System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Restart-Computer with BitLocker Drive Encryption
Description  <#  .SynopsisReboot a machine with BitLocker enabled, Disable Bitlocker first.DESCRIPTIONAllow you to reboot machine remotely with Bitlocker enabled, since this function disables it prior to rebooting.Bitlocker will be enabled after the reboot, however you will not be required t
Script ModifiedDate 2014-04-01T22:48:40.303 CreatedDate 2014-04-01T22:27:58.77
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Restart-Computer-with-707ae728 ProjectID 27938
GitHub Path
GitHub View [111557] Restart-ComputerWithBitLocker.ps1
TagList Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Deploy Hyper-V Virtual Machine (VM)
Description <# .Synopsis Build a new VM running on a Hyper-V Server .DESCRIPTION Build a new VM running on a Hyper-V Server, insert boot disk to deploy from MDT .EXAMPLE PS PS:\> New-VMBuild -VM DSCWeb Name State CPUUsage(%) MemoryAssigned(M) Uptime Status
Script ModifiedDate 2014-03-05T17:56:47.993 CreatedDate 2014-02-28T13:18:56.7
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Deploy-Hyper-V-Virtual-567b2736 ProjectID 27469
GitHub Path
GitHub View [110122] New-VMBuild.ps1
TagList VM,Virtual Machine,Deploy,Deploy VM,Build Hyper-V VM,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Get Enum Value. Find Enumeration Values for a given Type (updated Dec 2013)
Description This script will display the enumeration values for a given Type E.g. Get-EnumValue -type System.Management.Automation.ActionPreferenceName Get-EnumValue -type System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus Get-EnumValue -type Microsoft.PowerShell.ExecutionPolicy
Script ModifiedDate 2013-12-03T21:10:36.597 CreatedDate 2013-02-20T08:29:57.85
RatingsCount 2 AverageRating 4.5
ProjectName Get-Enum-Value-Find-af496033 ProjectID 20904
GitHub Path
GitHub View [103999] Get-EnumValue.ps1
TagList Enumeration,Enum,Data Types,Enum GetNames,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Compare two lists directly in the Windows PowerShell ISE
Description   I often want to compare two lists.Such as if I have list A and list B, I know to know the differences and similaritiesThis script allows me to do the comparison, by simply pasting the two lists into the ISE in a blank and even unsaved script.Such as just paste the followin
Script ModifiedDate 2013-12-03T20:54:52.127 CreatedDate 2013-12-03T20:54:51.707
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Compare-two-lists-directly-0a326603 ProjectID 26262
GitHub Path
GitHub View [103996] Compare-ISEList.ps1
TagList Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title This script sets the members of Local Security Groups (updated 2013)
Description DescriptionScript updates the Local membership of a specified group ( with a user account rather than a group, adding the group would be a best practice , then managing the members of that group in ActiveDirectory)Defaults to the local Administrator Group, however you can set def
Script ModifiedDate 2013-11-26T17:14:49.22 CreatedDate 2011-01-29T09:38:38.247
RatingsCount 1 AverageRating 5.0
ProjectName 5ed5c22d-32bf-4d6b-85a0-4f1d47086616 ProjectID 12114
GitHub Path
GitHub View [103559] Set-LocalGroup.ps1
TagList Group Membership,Local Security,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Perform a Measure-Command analysis N Iterations
Description   #Requires -Version 3 (since I used [pscustomobject])  This script will allow you to use Measure-Command over a certain amount of iterations. Each time you run Measure-Command you get a different result based on the system/network/environment resources. Thi
Script ModifiedDate 2013-11-04T08:32:09.023 CreatedDate 2013-10-11T10:24:09.19
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Perform-a-Measure-Command-de314de6 ProjectID 25286
GitHub Path
GitHub View [97778] Measure-MyCommand.ps1
TagList Performance,Measure-Command,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Retrieve a Password from a SecureString, Credential or String
Description  This script will Retrieve a password from a Credential object, SecureString object or from a String that has been created using the Convertfrom-SecureString Cmdlet. This script uses parametersets and data types to determine how the script will evaluate the parameters.******
Script ModifiedDate 2013-11-01T11:35:19.707 CreatedDate 2013-11-01T10:02:01.69
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Retrieve-a-Password-from-a-a3cd7d68 ProjectID 25833
GitHub Path
GitHub View [100579] Get-Password.ps1
TagList securestring,convertto-securestring,PSCredential,GetNetworkCredential,ParameterSetName,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Copy Files Script - To allow for default Robocopy options to be saved.
Description There are a lot of options when using Robycopy.This script helps to save your personal best options, so that you don't have to remember them each time you call Robocopy.The thing that i like about Robycopy is that you can restart a failed copy if there is an interruption & you ca
Script ModifiedDate 2013-10-04T08:16:40.49 CreatedDate 2013-02-09T22:49:45.313
RatingsCount 1 AverageRating 5.0
ProjectName Copy-Files-Script-To-allow-45e0046b ProjectID 20751
GitHub Path
GitHub View [75874] Start-MyRoboCopy.ps1
TagList copy,copy files,Robycopy,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Deploy VM's to ESX / VSphere using PowerCLI (Updated Oct 2012)
Description This is deployment script for building VM's from a template and customization spec. Tested on ESX 3.5 and VSphere 4.1.
Script ModifiedDate 2013-09-05T14:22:02.94 CreatedDate 2011-03-10T21:31:16.947
RatingsCount 2 AverageRating 3.5
ProjectName c74b4a23-e4ec-4829-b38e-54252b40fdec ProjectID 12272
GitHub Path
GitHub View [63392] Start-VMDeploy.ps1
TagList Virtualization,Deployment,ESX,PowerCLI,VSphere,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Enable/Disable DFS Replication AutoRecovery
Description If you use DFSR for replication of files in your domain, then you maybe aware that the default settings for Autorecovery are now optionally changed if you install a patch on Server 2008 R2 OR on 2012 by default.One of the previous reasons to migrate from FRS to DFSR was that DFSR
Script ModifiedDate 2013-08-18T20:43:00.87 CreatedDate 2013-08-18T20:40:18.377
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName EnableDisable-DFS-17f3f73b ProjectID 24429
GitHub Path
GitHub View [94634] Set-DFSRAutoRecovery.ps1
TagList DFSR,StopReplicationOnAutoRecovery,2663685,kb2663685,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Send a HTML email report in a formatted table - Send-HtmlEmail
Description This will take any Object from the PowerShell interface, convert the object (table) into HTML and then send it by email.
Script ModifiedDate 2013-06-05T07:47:53.423 CreatedDate 2011-03-28T09:52:42.183
RatingsCount 5 AverageRating 4.8
ProjectName bd0c8d87-466f-4488-92a2-0f726cb6f4cd ProjectID 12322
GitHub Path
GitHub View [46904] Send-HTMLEmail.ps1
TagList SMTP,Notification,CSS,Email,HTML Email,PowerShell Reporting,Send-MailMessage,splatting,table,Formatted Email,ConvertTo-Html,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Resolve IP address from Hostname (Updated May 2013)
Description Description: Return the IP address from a Hostname. Use the ipv6 or ipv4 only switches to return either. Beware using localhost will only return loopback addresses. Having to write 200 characters for the minimum description length for these is simply a waste of my time..
Script ModifiedDate 2013-05-09T15:11:58.483 CreatedDate 2011-03-01T09:30:04.963
RatingsCount 9 AverageRating 3.89
ProjectName 44e9fef7-a04b-40b3-bb05-97659e56e27e ProjectID 12260
GitHub Path
GitHub View [81933] Get-IPAddress.ps1
TagList IP Address,DNS,Hostname,IPV4,IPV6,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Find the alias parameter names on cmdlets: Get-CmdletParameterAlias
Description Many parameters on cmdlets are hidden.These are the alias parameters that can be used as shortcuts for the full parameter names.These are especially useful for working in the console.#----------------------------------------PS PS:\> Get-CmdletParameterAlias -Cmdlet Get-ChildItemC
Script ModifiedDate 2013-05-02T20:22:03.57 CreatedDate 2012-12-08T18:16:29.36
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Find-the-alias-parameter-7c282bdd ProjectID 19881
GitHub Path
GitHub View [72241] Get-CmdletParameterAlias.ps1
TagList alias parameters,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Generate a Proxy Function and Open in the ISE
Description Generating a Proxy function is relatively simple. This script makes the whole process even easier. The file can be generated in a TMP directory and then opened up for editing in the ISE. Proxy functions are useful to create custom functionality
Script ModifiedDate 2013-04-27T13:56:04.983 CreatedDate 2013-04-27T13:56:04.813
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Generate-a-Proxy-Function-ab16b44e ProjectID 21889
GitHub Path
GitHub View [81345] Publish-ProxyFunction.ps1
TagList Proxy Function,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Find User Logon Information that is not replicated between Domain Controllers
Description check each domain controller in the domain to find specific user information that is not replicated between DC's. The script checks each DC for the latest record. The script calls another script to find the names of each domain controller.
Script ModifiedDate 2013-04-16T15:52:51.377 CreatedDate 2011-08-20T13:24:08.893
RatingsCount 1 AverageRating 5.0
ProjectName Find-User-Logon-Information-5806f3b4 ProjectID 12848
GitHub Path
GitHub View [79946] Get-UserLogonInformation.ps1
TagList Domain Controllers,lastLogon,User Accounts,BadPasswordTime,LastLogoff,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Determine OS Architecture (32 bit or 64 bit) * Updated
Description This script returns an object stating if the Operating System is running as 32 bit or 64 bit.
Script ModifiedDate 2013-04-11T15:29:16.55 CreatedDate 2011-03-12T08:48:19.38
RatingsCount 2 AverageRating 4.0
ProjectName 26539b66-13a7-44f6-9adb-886c54fc141f ProjectID 12276
GitHub Path
GitHub View [79725] Get-OSArchitecture.ps1
TagList Architecture,32 bit,32bit,64 bit,64bit,Operating System,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title This command invokes PSExec
Description Psexec is one of my favourite tools. This simply launches it from Powershell.
Script ModifiedDate 2013-03-24T19:08:33.77 CreatedDate 2011-03-25T12:07:34.577
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName 59e314fc-3d4b-42bc-9769-fd60c20070a5 ProjectID 12313
GitHub Path
GitHub View [78911] Invoke-PSEXEC.ps1
TagList Psexec,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title WMI Explorer Search WMI NameSpaces
Description This script allows users to search for Classes in all of the available Namespaces on a specified Computer/s.The Script will easily recurse through the available NameSpaces and pull out classes that match the filter.There are parameters to also search for classes with particular M
Script ModifiedDate 2013-03-24T18:41:53.937 CreatedDate 2013-03-24T18:41:53.763
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName WMI-Explorer-Search-WMI-cd87e309 ProjectID 21412
GitHub Path
GitHub View [78903] Search-WMINameSpace.ps1
TagList Get-WMIObject,WMI Explorer,GWMI,Windows Management Instrumentation,-List,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Server Uptime Report, with Email notification (old)
Description This script reports the server/workstation uptime and emails the results in an easy to read table. This is an old version, small mods in the new version, not really much difference.
Script ModifiedDate 2013-01-15T21:31:57.117 CreatedDate 2010-08-04T15:49:07.577
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName 06ea3537-08b7-41eb-9248-0f776cf28017 ProjectID 9346
GitHub Path
GitHub View [74669] Get-UptimeDays.ps1
TagList Email notification,Uptime,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Get-Uptime Report - The time since reboot
Description Report on the time since systems were rebooted using WMIReport to screen as -TextReport as PSObject is summary format or report as PSObject, useful for exporting to CSV.Usage:Get-Uptime -ComputerName localhost -Text"localhost" | Get-Uptime -TextGet-Uptime -ComputerName localhost
Script ModifiedDate 2013-01-15T21:23:35.28 CreatedDate 2013-01-15T21:19:11.15
RatingsCount 2 AverageRating 4.5
ProjectName Get-Uptime-Report-on-the-f3ad4315 ProjectID 20425
GitHub Path
GitHub View [74668] Get-Uptime.ps1
TagList Uptime,Server Uptime,Get-Uptime,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title A Function to test-connection for a list of Computers, in a flexible format.
Description This script uses Test-Connection to filter computers that are online. Only online computers are returned.
Script ModifiedDate 2013-01-04T17:39:27.35 CreatedDate 2011-04-28T21:34:50.283
RatingsCount 5 AverageRating 4.0
ProjectName 2789c120-48cc-489b-8d61-c1602e954b24 ProjectID 12425
GitHub Path
GitHub View [47774] Test-Online.ps1
TagList Online,Ping,test-connection,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Saving Credentials (As Secure a String) for using within Scripts
Description This script saves and calls the credentials for use later on. This is useful when performing queries against several domains in your environment.The most common usage for these would be in WMI queries or other PowerShell cmdlets that support the -Credential parameter.E.g. Run thi
Script ModifiedDate 2012-12-15T16:17:18.467 CreatedDate 2012-12-15T16:16:02.92
RatingsCount 1 AverageRating 4.0
ProjectName Saving-Credentials-As-8ea44827 ProjectID 19962
GitHub Path
GitHub View [72654] Receive-Credential.ps1
TagList credentials,Passwords,secure string,Save Credentials,System.Management.Automation.PsCredential,ConvertFrom-SecureString,ConvertTo-SecureString,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Saving Credentials for using within Scripts (Updated Nov 2012)
Description This script saves and calls the credentials for use later on. This is useful when performing queries against several domains in your environment. The most common usage for these would be in WMI queries or other PowerShell cmdlets that support the -Credential parameter.
Script ModifiedDate 2012-11-28T16:31:13.237 CreatedDate 2011-01-13T19:11:54.367
RatingsCount 2 AverageRating 5.0
ProjectName 2ff11fd5-67f6-44e4-8816-28edb984d63a ProjectID 12078
GitHub Path
GitHub View [71382] Receive-Credential.ps1
TagList -credential,Get-Credential,password,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Find System Hardware Information Summary
Description This Script uses WMI to collect a range of computer related information. It uses features that are only compatible with powerShell Version 3.0 Use like: Get-SystemInfo Or Get-SystemInfo -ComputerName Server123,Server124 -LogDir C:\mylogs -Credential (Get-Credential)
Script ModifiedDate 2012-11-10T19:41:18.747 CreatedDate 2012-11-08T00:54:47.127
RatingsCount 6 AverageRating 4.17
ProjectName Find-System-Hardware-b68938c8 ProjectID 19437
GitHub Path
GitHub View [70317] Get-SystemInfo.ps1
TagList Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Set the PowerShell Console Host Window to the Maximum Size
Description This script adjusts the PowerShell Console Host Window to the Maximum Size.If you change the Font in the Window then re-run this funtion to resize the Window accordingly.If you move this to a second screen rerun the function to resize accordingly.I have seen an error with some fo
Script ModifiedDate 2012-10-06T20:15:22.227 CreatedDate 2012-10-06T12:35:38.213
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Set-the-PowerShell-Console-bd8b2ad1 ProjectID 19005
GitHub Path
GitHub View [67677] Set-MaxWindowSize.ps1
TagList Resize Window,Maximize Window Size,Maximize Console Host Window Size,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Auditing Directory Service Access - AD DS change auditing - Monitoring Event Log
Description Implementing AD DS change auditing In Windows Server 2008, you implement the new auditing feature by using the following controls: Global audit policy System access control list (SACL) Once you have this setup, you need some tools to monitor and capture the event logs
Script ModifiedDate 2012-10-06T15:58:33.927 CreatedDate 2012-10-05T21:03:22.75
RatingsCount 3 AverageRating 5.0
ProjectName Auditing-Directory-Service-53574749 ProjectID 18996
GitHub Path
GitHub View [67649] Get-ADAuditAccess.ps1
TagList SACL,Access Audit,kb921469,AD DS Auditing,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Show-Desktop
Description Run Show-Desktop to minimize all windows. Run Show-Desktop to show the desktop. Run programatically to jump to the desktop. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................
Script ModifiedDate 2012-09-27T18:25:39.293 CreatedDate 2012-09-27T18:24:50.593
RatingsCount 2 AverageRating 4.5
ProjectName Show-Desktop-0541c1e6 ProjectID 18884
GitHub Path
GitHub View [67319] Show-Desktop.ps1
TagList Show-Desktop,ToggleDesktop,Minimize,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Get VMware Host Information Summary Report
Description Use PowerCLI to get a quick summary of your VMware Host Information. You will need to have the Send-HTMLEmail script loaded as well since this is called during the execution. download that here:
Script ModifiedDate 2012-09-14T21:56:25.497 CreatedDate 2012-09-14T21:56:25.293
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Get-VMware-Host-Information-d2aa08ee ProjectID 18723
GitHub Path
GitHub View [66227] Get-VMHostInfoSummary.ps1
TagList VMware,VMware host report,Host Summary,Audit basic host configurations,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Update (single level) local File Repository with the latest Files from a Server
Description This script will check a Source Directory for the latest Version of Files in the Directory,it will then copy any files to a Destination Directory where the files are New OR Updated. This was designed to get the latest project files from a single level directory. It does not recur
Script ModifiedDate 2012-09-09T12:43:11.633 CreatedDate 2012-09-07T11:01:28.987
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Update-a-local-File-326e0623 ProjectID 18627
GitHub Path
GitHub View [65841] Update-FileRepository.ps1
TagList backup files,directory synchronization,Copy File Repository,Sync from a file server,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Report on the Event Logs for MaxConcurrentAPI NTLM Semaphore Warnings
Description New event log entries that track NTLM authentication delays and failures in Windows Server 2008 R2 are available. Consider the following scenario: You have one or more forests that have multiple domains. There are combinations of users and
Script ModifiedDate 2012-09-07T09:05:26.437 CreatedDate 2012-09-06T17:53:04.643
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Report-on-the-Event-Logs-a94f27a0 ProjectID 18616
GitHub Path
GitHub View [65811] Get-MAXConcurrentAPIReport.ps1
TagList NTLM,Semaphore Timeouts,Authentication Delays,NetLogon,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Get Share Information similar to Win32_Share and adds the current connections
Description This queries Win32_Share and provides the results.However it also checks the number of active connections on each share and returns the number as well.For just the basic connection information you can use the simple form of this script:
Script ModifiedDate 2012-08-15T21:25:47.41 CreatedDate 2012-08-15T21:19:56.123
RatingsCount 1 AverageRating 4.0
ProjectName Get-Share-Information-5cc71b2c ProjectID 18286
GitHub Path
GitHub View [64774] Get-ShareInfo.ps1
TagList Win32_Share,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Find the number of open connections to Shares on local or remote systems
Description Most likely you have looked in the Computer Management to find the number of connections to any particular share on a remote system.In the compmgmt.msc GUI it looks like this: If you wanted to query a whole list of servers opening up the GUI can take time, so why not use PowerShe
Script ModifiedDate 2012-08-15T21:23:21.627 CreatedDate 2012-08-15T16:52:51.093
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Find-the-number-of-open-2ed8aa35 ProjectID 18285
GitHub Path
GitHub View [64766] Get-ShareConnection.ps1
TagList shares,Win32_ConnectionShare,Share Connections,File Share,Number of open connections to Shares,Community,PSScript

Title Add a (script) Function to a personal Module
Description This function easily adds a Function that you have written to a pesonal Module.This is for PowerShell Advanced Functions.This function is designed to run from the ISE.The currently open ISE tab will be saved.The Function Name will be used as the name of the File (That will be dot
Script ModifiedDate 2012-08-05T17:37:21.56 CreatedDate 2012-08-05T14:40:14.017
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Add-a-script-Function-to-a-089f28be ProjectID 18144
GitHub Path
GitHub View [63044] Add-FunctionToModule.ps1
TagList Module,PowerShell Modules,Advanced Functions,PowerShell Function,Script Functions,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Showing console color combinations for foreground and background
Description This script goes through all the enumerations of the type [System.ConsoleColor] and displays them on the screen.  The combination of both foreground and background colors are displayed.  * You may want to change the function name from Show-Colour to Show-Color depending on your
Script ModifiedDate 2012-05-18T14:33:33.187 CreatedDate 2012-05-18T14:00:36.14
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Showing-console-color-6c9e4813 ProjectID 16825
GitHub Path
GitHub View [57615] Show-Colour.ps1
TagList enumerate,fun,ConsoleColor,System.ConsoleColor,Enum,emumerate colors,Community,PowerShell,PSScript

Title Find and Report on Directory Quotas, leveraging the DirQuota Command
Description This script leverages powershell remoting to retrieve the Quota Listings from remote systems.It also leverages the Quest Active Directory cmdlets to retrieve computer accounts that are members of a security group.
Script ModifiedDate 2011-09-11T15:22:24.48 CreatedDate 2011-08-17T16:59:55.737
RatingsCount 2 AverageRating 5.0
ProjectName Find-and-Report-on-cc49120e ProjectID 12832
GitHub Path
GitHub View [41455] Start-QuotaReport.ps1
TagList Powershell,Remoting,dirquota,Quotas,File System Quota,Quota Report,Community

Title Search VMware Logs for Errors or other Information Get-VMwareLogs
Description This script will parse VMware logs for particular search strings.An example in this code is for Memory Controller Errors (where the term MCE is used).You run this on a scheduled task and it will scan the logs and email any matching events.I recommend scanning every 15 mins, then
Script ModifiedDate 2011-09-01T18:25:50.513 CreatedDate 2011-09-01T18:25:50.203
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName Search-VMware-Logs-for-7528a274 ProjectID 12975
GitHub Path
GitHub View [42109] Get-VMwareLogs.ps1
TagList VMware,VMware Logs,ESX Logs,vSphere Logs,vmkernel Logs,Messages Logs,Community,PowerShell

Title Get counter information from local or remote systems
Description This script demonstrates the ability to collect statistics using the Get-Counter cmdlet. More easily select the specific counters you actually need.
Script ModifiedDate 2011-06-11T19:41:17.827 CreatedDate 2011-06-11T19:32:08.73
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName 9ea8cd6e-0371-47ec-8e07-cdb9f683e08b ProjectID 12565
GitHub Path
GitHub View
TagList Get-Count,Counter,Performance Monitoring

Title Pad a text list to make all items the same length
Description You can pad right or pad left. Thanks to @JeffHicks for the code.
Script ModifiedDate 2011-04-02T16:45:11.607 CreatedDate 2011-04-02T16:16:29.823
RatingsCount 0 AverageRating 0.0
ProjectName f7204f78-e73b-468c-8d8f-ceeaaae65aee ProjectID 12331
GitHub Path
GitHub View
TagList padright,padleft,Text padding
