Observations on ARM (Bicep) Templates
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Azure Resource Group Deployment - Multi-Region/Multi-Tier Hub/Spoke Environments
This project assumes:
- Shared Subscription between all Apps/Tenants
- Shared Hub between all Apps/Tenants
- Shared Global resource Group between all Apps/Tenants
Why Shared? Because this project should be managed by a single SRE/DevOps team.
Pre requisites
- You have a subscription to deploy into, preferrably a blank subscription, this is a Greenfields project, not Brownfields
- You are an owner on the Subscription
- You know your /20 Network Range that you can deploy into, you need 2 of these
- One range in the Primary (Azure Partner) Region
- One range in the Secondary (Azure Partner) Region
- There are several setup/management scripts in this directory: 1-prereqs
- There are several shared metadata files in your Tenant Directory e.g. Global-Global, Global-ACU1, Global-AEU2
- We will start with the HUB Tenant, this is the Shared Hub
- We will also deploy the HUB Global Resource, this is shared Global resources
- Open the following File and fill out all of the information ADF\tenants\HUB\Global-Global.json
- All of the info below should be filled out ahead of time
- Replace the 3 Characters that map to the Name of your Org e.g. BRW
- Replace the 3 Characters that map to the Name of your App e.g. HUB
"Global": { "OrgName": "PE", //<--- Change this to your unique 2 or 3 letter OrgName // "3-Letter-Company-Name" // e.g. This is required to ensure all public resources have a unique name // This should stay the same across ALL Tenants, // only the AppName will change, be sure to keep OrgName consistent "AppName": "HUB", // "3-Letter-App-Name" e.g. in this project, we call this the tenant name. "PrimaryLocation": "CentralUS", // "CentralUS" e.g. partner region to East US 2 "SecondaryLocation": "EastUS2", // "EastUS2" e.g. partner region to Central US "IPAddressforRemoteAccess": [""], // This IP will be used on NSG's if Public IP "vmAdminUserName": "brw", // "Local-Admin-UserName-for-Virtual-Machines" "DomainName": "psthing.com", // "Interntal Active Directory Domain" "DomainNameExt": "psthing.com", // "External Public DNS Name"
- Open and review the regional File/s e.g. ADF\tenants\HUB\Global-ACU1.json
- The file name should match your Primary/Secondary Azure Region that you will deploy into
- You can find your Prefix for your region in this region lookup metadata file
"Global": { "hubRG": { "name": "P0" // Used for many services in Hub e.g. Private DNS Zones or Network watcher }, "hubVN": { "name": "vn" // the Virtual Network, used for Peering }, "hubKV": { "name": "VLT01" //Main keyvault used to pull secrets and Certs. }, "hubAA": { "name": "OMSAutomation" // Used for DSC Stage Configuration centralized configs }, "networkId": [ // this is a /20 broken into 2 parts, unique for each region "10.10.", 144 ], "DNSServers": [ // Leave Empty to use AzureDNS "", "" ], "RTName": "Hub", // If you have a Firewall in the Hub, you will use this RT in Spokes "shutdownSchedulerTimeZone": "Pacific Standard Time", "patchSchedulerTimeZone": "America/Los_Angeles"
- You can find your Prefix for your region in this region lookup metadata file
- The file name should match your Primary/Secondary Azure Region that you will deploy into
- We are now ready to Deploy the initial Storage Account
- Make sure you are logged into Azure PowerShell
- First make sure you are in the correct Azure Tenant/Subscription
- More info is in this file: [ADF\1-prereqs\00-ConnectToAzureSelectSubscription.ps1]
- Although these helper scripts live in this directory [ADF\1-prereqs], we deploy them from a helper script from within your Tenant.
- Open up the Helper Script [ADF\tenants\HUB\azure-Deploy.ps1]
- In order to Load some settings into memory, once you open that file you press F5 to load it.
- You should see something similar to the following after you run F5
VERBOSE: ArtifactStagingDirectory is [D:\repos\AzureDeploymentFramework\ADF] and App is [HUB]
- You should see something similar to the following after you run F5
- Then after that you can create the intial Resource Group and Storage Account
- You will see the lines below, that you can execute (make sure you did F5 first! and are in your subscription)
# Pre-reqs # Create Global Storage Account, I am considering moving this to Bicep setup from PowerShell. . ADF:\1-prereqs\01-CreateStorageAccountGlobal.ps1 -APP $App
- You wil see an output similar to below once the RG and Storage are created.
- This storage account is used for uploading Assets (for IaaS/VM Deployments) that you may need, such as software installs and also used for your Template Deployments. ```powershell VERBOSE: Global RGName: AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-G1
ResourceGroupName : AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-G1 Location : centralus ProvisioningState : Succeeded Tags : ResourceId : /subscriptions/1f0713fe-9b12-4c8f-ab0c-26aba7aaa3e5/resourceGroups/AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-G1
ResourceGroupName : AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-G1 StorageAccountName : azc1brwhubg1saglobal Id : /subscriptions/1f0713fe-9b12-4c8f-ab0c-26aba7aaa3e5/resourceGroups/AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-G1/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/azc1brwhubg1saglobal Location : centralus Sku : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.Storage.Models.PSSku Kind : StorageV2 Encryption : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage.Models.Encryption AccessTier : Hot CreationTime : 1/17/2021 8:51:11 PM ```
- Make sure you are logged into Azure PowerShell
- In order to use Friendly Names for our Role Assignments in your configurations we need to do a 1 time export of these from your Subscription.
- Working in the same file [ADF\tenants\HUB\azure-Deploy.ps1]
- Execute this following line
# Export all role defintions . ADF:\1-prereqs\04.1-getRoleDefinitionTable.ps1 -APP $App
- This process will actually update the JSON object in the following file [ADF\tenants\HUB\Global-Config.json]
- You can open that file and format it if you like and then save it.
- Once you format it you will see the Role Definition Friendly names and the associated GUIDs
"RolesGroupsLookup": { "Storage Blob Delegator": { "Id": "db58b8e5-c6ad-4a2a-8342-4190687cbf4a", "Description": "Allows for generation of a user delegation key which can be used to sign SAS tokens" }, "Managed Application Contributor Role": { "Id": "641177b8-a67a-45b9-a033-47bc880bb21e", "Description": "Allows for creating managed application resources." }, ...
- If you add custom Role definitions in the future, then you should re-run this command to re-export them over the top
- Create your Service Principals (Scripts are provided for GitHub and Azure DevOps), this document assumes GitHub
- This will create 1 Principal per Resource Group, Per Application
- You can go ahead and create all of them ahead of time, if you like
- You can always come back add more or also re-run this, it will check if they exist
- Execute this following line/s (One for each region)
# Create Service principal for Env. . ADF:\1-prereqs\04-Start-CreateServicePrincipalGH.ps1 -APP $App -Prefix AZC1 -Environments P0,G0,G1,D2,S1 . ADF:\1-prereqs\04-Start-CreateServicePrincipalGH.ps1 -APP $App -Prefix AZE2 -Environments P0,S1
- Sample Output, this does several things
- Create the Application/Service Principal in Azure ActiveDirectory
- Creates the Secret in GitHub, this is used for Deployments (GitHub Workflows/Actions)
- Updates the Global-Global.json file to do friendly name lookups for the ServicePrincipal to the objectid ```powershell Secret : System.Security.SecureString ServicePrincipalNames : {55ec7612-2d3a-43b8-a5b7-4a53fd905655, http://AzureDeploymentFramework_AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-P0} ApplicationId : 55ec7612-2d3a-43b8-a5b7-4a53fd905655 ObjectType : ServicePrincipal DisplayName : AzureDeploymentFramework_AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-P0 Id : 9b537c42-3cfc-423b-955d-a83dbbfa0ac3 Type :
WARNING: Assigning role ‘Reader’ over scope ‘/subscriptions/1f0713fe-9b12-4c8f-ab0c-26aba7aaa3e5’ to the new service principal.
✓ Set secret AZC1_HUB_RG_P0 for brwilkinson/AzureDeploymentFramework
VERBOSE: Adding Service Principal [AzureDeploymentFramework_AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-P0] to Global-Global.json
AzureDeploymentFramework_AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-P0 : 9b537c42-3cfc-423b-955d-a83dbbfa0ac3 AzureDeploymentFramework_AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-G0 : c4acb09d-7fe0-4e50-8988-b11b67711841 AzureDeploymentFramework_AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-G1 : a744f350-9757-4943-b42e-f96e88b42f96 AzureDeploymentFramework_AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-D2 : 8c1101e5-d23e-4f15-bb4d-9b2156898d8f AzureDeploymentFramework_AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-S1 : 1509358e-331b-44d3-83e1-3a880832328f ```
- Sample Output, this does several things
- BootStrap the Hub Resource Group Creation and also the Keyvaults in the Primary and Secondary Region
- Although these helper scripts live in this directory [ADF\1-prereqs], we deploy them from a helper script from within your Tenant.
- Open up the Helper Script [ADF\tenants\HUB\azure-Deploy.ps1]
- Then execute the following
# Bootstrap Hub RGs and Keyvaults . ADF:\1-prereqs\01-CreateHUBKeyVaults.ps1 -APP $App
- You should see the following output
VERBOSE: Primary HUB RGName: AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-P0 VERBOSE: Primary KV Name: AZC1-PE-HUB-P0-kvVLT01 VERBOSE: Secondary HUB RGName: AZE2-PE-HUB-RG-P0 VERBOSE: Secondary KV Name: AZE2-PE-HUB-P0-kvVLT01
- Following this you can manually create the following 2 Secrets
- localadmin, then provide the local admin password for your Virtual Machines
- In order to deploy from these Service Principals, they need to be delegated access over certain scopes in Azure
- These Role Assignments are handled within the Deployment Scripts, however there is a chicken or egg problem
- I would recommend 2 Manual Role assignements to get things started
- Assign the [GO] Principal E.g. “AzureDeploymentFramework_AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-G0” as Owner on the Subscription.
- This is the principal that executes all role assignments and also creates RG’s.
- As a reminder, G0 stands for Subscription Level.
- This principal will do the following:
- Upload files to the storage account, so inherits access via owner to the storage account keys
- Deploy a Template by reading from the Keyvault (1 in each regional hub)
- Then it will run the intial template deployment to Create RG’s and perform RBAC Assignments on those RG’s
- Assign the [G0] Principal E.g. E.g. “AzureDeploymentFramework_AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-G0” as “Key Vault Secrets User (preview)”
- You will want to do this on both Hubs i.e. both P0 Resource Groups.
- While you are setting this up, you should also assign the below RBAC Role Assignments on your own account
- “Owner” on Subscription
- “Key Vault Secrets Officer (preview)” on the Hub RG’s i.e. P0
- We will need to create 2 secrets in order to deploy in the next step, so this will enable you to create these
- You can easily remove these later, once the Workflows have all been setup.
- Assign the [GO] Principal E.g. “AzureDeploymentFramework_AZC1-PE-HUB-RG-G0” as Owner on the Subscription.
- Go into the Keyvault in your primary Hub.
- Create 2 Secrets (These are the default securestring parameters on all templates, you can add more later)
- localadmin (choose your domain or local admin password here)
- sshPublic (any value here, Update this later), consider moving, now this is on GitHub, not azureDevops
- Create 2 Secrets (These are the default securestring parameters on all templates, you can add more later)
- In order to deploy WebSites, you should create some Web Certs, you can also do this from a Public Provider, however we will use self signed here.
- Although these helper scripts live in this directory [ADF\1-prereqs], we deploy them from a helper script from within your Tenant.
- Open up the Helper Script [ADF\tenants\HUB\azure-Deploy.ps1]
- Then execute the following
# Create Global Web Create . ADF:\1-prereqs\02-CreateUploadWebCertAdminCreds.ps1 -APP $App
- The cert will be created using the password from your keyvault localadmin secret that you set earlier
- The DNS names used on the cert are from the Global-Global.json [CertURLs] property.
- This certificate will be deploy to all VM’s in the Root/Trusted/My root stores
- When you execute the above script it will also update the [CertificateThumbprint] value in the Global-Global.json file
- When you deploy websites, this cert will be bound to SSL sites in IIS.
- Once you have Created the Secrets in the Primary Regional Hub Keyvault, you can sync the secrets to the Secondary Regional Hub Keyvault
- Although these helper scripts live in this directory [ADF\1-prereqs], we deploy them from a helper script from within your Tenant.
- Open up the Helper Script [ADF\tenants\HUB\azure-Deploy.ps1]
- Then execute the following
# Sync the keyvault from CentralUS to EastUS2 (Primary Region to Secondary Region) . ADF:\1-prereqs\03-Start-AzureKVSync.ps1
- The Primary and Secondary KV Name and Region Etc. comes from the Global meta data file that you updated earlier.
- i.e. [ADF\tenants\HUB\Global-Global.json]